Thursday, May 2, 2024

The President Finally Speaks

President Biden gave a short statement this morning about the violent protests on college campuses that have been directed at Israel and the Jewish people.  Someone timed the speech at being 3 minutes and 15 seconds in length.  While I did not vote for Biden, and I am not a fan, I did give him credit for supporting Israel with funding and armaments in Israel's war against Hamas.  But now, we are talking about events occurring here - in the United States of America.  I was hoping for a substantial speech, during prime time, from the oval office.  Not 3.25 minutes in the morning, when people are busy at work.

What about the substance of the speech?  First, he defended peaceful protest, as part of our First Amendment rights.  Biden:  "Dissent is essential to democracy."  Then he said violent protests, however, are unlawful.  Fine, but that is simply stating the obvious.  What about the rising tide of antisemitism, of actual Jew hatred, of calling for the deaths of Jews?  

Biden:  "There should be no place on any campus, no place in America for antisemitism or threats of violence against Jewish students."  Wait...that's it?  That's all the moral outrage you can muster, Mr. President?  Are you kidding me?  

What about all the students wearing keffiyehs?  They say they support Hamas.  Some say "we are Hamas."  Hamas is a terrorist organization, so designated by our country.  Hamas is still holding American citizens as hostages.  Some of these students say that the events of October 7 will be repeated thousands of times.  They call for intifada here, in the USA.  The intifadas against Israel resulted in the deaths of well over 1000 Israelis.  

These protesters call all Jews colonizers and supporters of genocide, when it is Hamas that has openly committed itself to the genocide of the Jewish people.  These protesters support Hamas, therefore they support the genocide of the Jewish people.  And you have nothing to say about that, Mr. President?  Because you are concerned that these evil, immoral people may not vote for you if you condemn them?  You know damn well, Mr. President, that if these kinds of threats were being made against blacks, gays, trans or any other minority, we would have seen an angry Joe Biden.

In fact, we would have heard how you have directed Attorney General Merrick Garland, along with FBI Director Christopher Wray, to pursue civil rights violations against some of these protesters.  Because we know that, unlike local DAs, who often will not even charge these people, federal offenses carry a potentially lengthy prison sentence.  You directed the DOJ and FBI to investigate parents who showed up at school board meetings, because those parents objected to some of the nonsense woke teachings being pushed on their children.  But threats against Jews?  You couldn't be bothered?

Here is the rest of what Biden said:  "There is no place for hate speech or violence of any kind, whether it's antisemitism, Islamophobia, or discrimination against Arab-Americans or Palestinian Americans.  It's simply wrong.  There's no place for racism in America.  It's all wrong.  It's un-American."  There it is.  The left's need to always include every other conceivable type of "hate," because for some reason hate against the Jews can never stand by itself.  "Islamophobia...discrimination against Arab-Americans or Palestinian Americans...racism."  

There are nationwide protests against Israel, with hatred being directed against Jewish students and the Jewish people.  It is organized.  It is clearly well funded.  Have you directed your DHS, DOJ and FBI to investigate the source of that funding, Mr. President?  There are no such nationwide protests against Arab Americans or Palestinian Americans.  Jews are 2% of the US population, yet we are the victims of religious hate crimes in over 50% of the cases.  Stop pretending there is some type of equivalency, Mr. President.  It's disgusting, and demeaning to the Jewish people.   

When I heard that Biden may be bringing people from Gaza here to the USA, I was rather shocked.  I mentioned to one left-wing fellow Jew that Biden may bring "more Jew haters here."  I was rebuffed.  How dare I suggest that all Gazans are Jew haters.  Over 70% of Gazans said they supported Hamas and the October 7 attack.  Generations of Gazans have been taught in UNRWA schools to hate Jews.  This left-wing Jew is living in a dream world.  If only 50%, nay 25%, of the people of Gaza support Hamas and hate Jews, why would any sane person want them here?  Why would any Jew?  

A final note.  In my last post I asked "Where Is The Outrage!"  I sense that some people question why I do what I do.  The blog.  The letters to the editor.  The letters to left-wing professors.  I cannot explain it any better than this quote by Edward Hale:  "I am only one, but I am one.  I cannot do everything, but I can do something.  And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do."

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Where Is The Outrage! Part II

So just where are our leaders?  While some Democrats have stepped up, others have been woefully disappointing.  Former President Barack Obama graduated from Columbia.  I haven't seen or heard anything from him condemning the hate speech and threats against Jews?  Has anyone?  Recall that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer recently called for elections in Israel, suggesting it was time for Netanyahu to go?  Aside from the obvious election interference in another country's elections, the clear inference was that Israel, not Hamas, was the impediment to peace.

Now we have comments from former Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi.  "We recognize Israel's right to protect itself.  We reject the policy and practice of Netanyahu.  Terrible.  What could be worse than what he has done in response...he should resign."  She also said Netanyahu has been a "block" to peace "for years."   She now thinks that Biden should halt weapons transfers to Israel.  In the middle of a war Israel is fighting for its very existence!  I guess it's a good thing she was not an adviser to Roosevelt or Truman during WWII.  She would not have approved of the attacks on Germany and Japan.  

Pelosi:  "...he (Netanyahu) has been an obstacle to the two-state solution, and I emphasize the word, 'solution.'"  She is either ignorant or lying.  Time after time the Palestinians have been offered a state...going back to 1947.  Time after time they have refused.  They have made it clear that they will not accept a state as long as Israel exists.  What Hamas does say is "from the river to the sea" will be  "Palestine."  In other words, no Israel.  What Hamas does say, is that they will repeat the events of October 7 "over and over and over again."  Why isn't she talking about the hostages, some of whom are American?  Why isn't she talking about the growing Jew hatred in her country?

Remember how Biden said he was motivated to run in 2020 after Trump said there were "very fine people on both sides," with regards to Charlottesville?  (Trump belatedly explained that he was talking about the issue regarding the confederate statue, not the Neo-Nazi protesters.)  Well, here was Biden when he was asked about the protests on college campuses nationwide:  "I condemn the antisemitic protests.  That's why I've set up a program to deal with that.  I also condemn those who don't understand what's going on with the Palestinians."  WHAT?!!

Did Biden just draw a moral equivalency between Israel and Hamas?  You bet he did!  There is no possible justification for the events of October 7...for the rape, mutilation and torture of women, and the murder and torture of innocent men, women, children and babies.  That is what Hamas did.  There is plenty of justification for Israel fighting back.  We repeatedly hear that 33.000 Palestinians have been killed by the Israelis.  I do not know if that is an accurate number, as it undoubtedly is provided by Hamas.  Even assuming it is correct, how many of those were Hamas terrorists?  Whatever the number, how does it differ from other wars?  For many years I have pointed out that for the D-MSMC (Democratic-Mainstream Media Complex) it's always a numbers game.  They never seem to be happy unless more Jews are also killed.   

But here is one political leader who has not lost his moral compass - Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson.  Speaking at Columbia this past week, here is some of what Speaker Johnson said.  "Today, Hamas issued an endorsement statement of the protesters on this campus.  They called them the future leaders of America.  It is detestable."  Detestable!  Some outrage!  Finally!  Johnson:  "Antisemitism has been growing in America and it's clear why.  Powerful people have refused to condemn it, and some have even it peddled it themselves."  Indeed.

Here is the problem for Biden and the Democrats.  They feel the need to make the moral equivalency argument, or just stay silent, so as not to offend their base.  But how despicable that they would want any of these anti-Israel, anti-American, Jew hating protesters to be part of their party.  Why did Biden have to wait to be asked to make a comment?  He's the President!  Why wasn't he out there making a strong statement condemning these Jew hating protesters?

This line about Columbia being private property is bull.  The police go onto private property all the time in order to protect people.  And if the police are outnumbered, call in the State Police.  If still outnumbered, the Governor of New York should call out the National Guard.  They would clear the area.  And if the Governor refuses, then Biden has the right to federalize the Guard, and order them to clear out the campus from these obstructors.  But he has to worry about the two-state solution - Michigan and Minnesota.  

(Oh.  You want to know what Trump said?  "What's going on at the college level and the colleges - Columbia, NYU and others - is a disgrace.  And it's really on Biden.  He has the wrong signal.  He's got the wrong tone.  He's got the wrong words.  He doesn't know who he's backing.  And it's a mess."  And:  "What's going on is a disgrace to our country."  I could not agree more.)   

Where Is The Outrage! Part I

Honestly, I don't know what it will take.  What will it take for our political leaders, and university presidents and professors, to speak with one voice.  This is no longer antisemitism.  This is Jew hatred!  When they say "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free," they are calling for the end of Israel at best, and genocide of the Jewish people at worst.  When university presidents were unable to state that calling for the genocide of Jews "might" violate university speech codes, depending on the context...where is the outrage?  

Has everyone seen what is happening at Columbia University in NYC, Columbia being one of the elite Ivy League schools.  While pro-Hamas obstructors have seemingly taken over the university, the Jewish students were told to stay home and attend class remotely.  WHAT?  This is how it works?  Pro-Hamas thugs intimidate and threaten Jewish students, but instead of removing the thugs from campus, the Jewish students are told to vacate the campus.  Where should Jews be excluded from next?  

How lovely to see students yelling "we are Hamas," and a sign that says "Final Solution."  That was Hitler's idea.  So, maybe not unreasonable to refer to these young storm troopers as Hitler youth.  At the University of Texas, in Austin, one student yelled "Fuck you, Zionist Nazi bastard (might have been bitch)."  And "Go back to Germany."  Then we had the student at Columbia with her YouTube or TikTok video saying this:  "Zionists don't deserve to live."  And:  "I feel very comfortable, very comfortable, calling for those people to die."  

Remember when conservative speakers were not allowed to speak at many college campuses because it made the left-wing students feel "unsafe."  Those speakers weren't invited there to threaten anyone.  But the left-wing students, and some of the professors, said that conservative speech equated to violence.  Now, we have actual threats of violence against Jewish students, and even calls for the genocide of the Jewish people, and that's okay?  That has to be tolerated as "free speech?"  Where is the outrage!  

You don't think that young people at colleges across the country are being brainwashed?  How else do you account for the sick, evil comments made be these students?  How else can you account for seeing all the Hamas flags and Hezbollah flags?  How else can you account for all these students wearing the Arab keffiyeh scarf?  And how else can you account for one student saying that the events of October 7 will happen "10,000 more times."  They want to see men, women, children and babies raped, tortured and murdered, 10,000 more times!  Where is the outrage, dammit!

You doubt that these students are being brainwashed?  MEMRI (the Middle East Media Research Institute) has documented the connections between Hamas and Hezbollah and the Houthis - with these college students.  They brag about how many young people now support Hamas.  They brag about how many adults are also buying into their propaganda, with the expectation that it will result in a change of American policy (and other countries' policies) towards Israel.  

You need to understand that these terrorist organizations are in contact with student "leaders" here.  One Hezbollah leader encouraged these Western "activists," students and non-students alike, to stand "together, one front" against Israel, and against the U.S. and "Western hegemony and imperialism."  

Our country is at a crossroads.  Will we tolerate the shutting down of our universities?  Will we tolerate threats to Jewish students?  Will we tolerate community "activists" blocking highways, bridges, airports and train stations?  Make no mistake...they expect the American people to tire of it...and to turn on Israel.

Where are our leaders?  Are they defending Israel, our main ally in the Middle East, and one of our main allies in the world?   Israel is the sole democracy in the Middle East.  Israel is the only true multicultural and multi-religious country in the Middle East.  Israel is the only country to have a yearly Gay Pride parade in the Middle East.  So, where are our leaders?  See Part II. 

Thursday, April 18, 2024

America's Hitler Youth

I know.  You don't have to tell me.  I'm the first to say that comparisons to Hitler are overblown, and often minimize the horrors of the Holocaust.  But I'm at a loss as to how to describe these ever more brazen "protesters."  One thing is for certain.  They are not protesters as we understand it.  They are obstructors.  They are bullies.  And they freely admit to supporting Hamas, a group guilty of rape, torture and the mass murder of civilians - men, women, children and babies.

On Monday, there was an organized nationwide obstruction by these - I'm reluctant to use the word - people.  Among other things, they blocked the I-190 access to O'Hare International Airport in Chicago.  They occupied the Brooklyn Bridge, a leading thoroughfare between Manhattan and Brooklyn.  And they did the same on the Golden Gate Bridge, between San Francisco and points north.  In downtown Miami, they blocked the entrance to the port.

How did all this happen?  Certainly, these criminal obstructors are well organized, and likely well financed.  And they are showing that they have the capacity to bully the American people - they have the ability to push us around.  If any of them are here on visas, they should immediately be deported.  In some cities, the police are taking action.  In others, I suspect the police are outnumbered, and in some, likely under orders from politicians to stand down.  

Perhaps Senator Tom Cotton (R-Ark) has the answer:  "And I would encourage most people anywhere that get stuck behind criminals like this, who are trying to block traffic, to take matters int their own hands."  What if an ambulance is trying to get someone to a hospital?  Or a fire engine trying to get to a fire?  Or a pregnant woman needing to get to a hospital?  Or law enforcement rushing to an emergency?  These people should face consequences at least as severe as the January 6 protesters; and much more severe if people end up seriously ill or injured or dead because of their obstruction.  

Why aren't the Feds involved?  I assume some of these roads, bridges and airports have some federal connection.  Biden could federalize the National Guard in some of these states.  Merrick Garland could get the FBI involved.  Assuming he's not too preoccupied with investigating parents who speak up at school board meetings.  

I want to be very clear about something.  These are likely the same people threatening to withhold their votes from Biden, because he has supported Israel.  So, now, Biden is pandering to these people, to these Hamas supporting criminals.  (See my 2/18/24 post, "Why You Should Care About Dearborn, Michigan, Part II.)  Now, in Dearborn, there have chants of "Death to America," and "Death to Israel."  

Here's my question.  How many Americans have woken up to this new reality?  How many Democrats have?  How many Jews have?  I can't get a reaction to Biden violating federal law and allowing millions of people to enter the country under his watch (estimated to be 7 to 10 million people).  I can't get a reaction to the obvious election interference, democracy destroying cases against Trump.

How many people does it bother that many Jewish students are now afraid to walk alone on their college campuses?  How many Jews does it bother?  And, how many are bothered by Jewish college kids being afraid to go to their own classes?  One Columbia University professor referred to the "stunning victory of the Palestinian resistance."  Here's another Columbia professor:  "Every dirty treacherous ugly and pernicious happening in the world just wait for a few days and the ugly name "Israel" will pop up."  Here's yet another Columbia professor:  "...I'm with Hamas and Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad."

What Jewish student wouldn't be afraid of going to classes taught by these professors?  Here's a better question:  why are these Jew-hating, America-hating professors allowed to teach at Columbia?  Or anywhere?  Columbia is an Ivy League University.  It was founded in 1754 as King's College, and is the fifth oldest institution of higher learning in the country.  But history has taught that the elites gravitate towards radical left-wing movements and ideologies.  

We now have Jewish adults afraid to wear any item of clothing that may identify them as a Jew.  I keep asking myself, this can't be, can it?  After all, this is America, in the year 2024.  But, is that what the Jews asked themselves in 1938 Germany?  This can't be, can it?

The Bogus Case In New York Against Trump

Alvin Bragg vs Donald Trump.  I'll preface my remarks by saying that it is taking everything in my power to not use the expletives of which people like Bragg are deserving.  He's got a 7 or 8 year old case, where the statute of limitations has run.  So he turned it into a felony by alleging the false business records allegations were done with intent to commit another crime.  What other crime?  Bragg feels no need to disclose that.  And, of course, the case centers around the payments made to Stormy Daniels, allegedly to keep her quiet about a brief fling she had with Trump; the assertion being that Trump paid her to cover up the affair while running for president in 2016.

Who gives a damn that he had an affair?  Other presidents have.  Guess who was fined $375,000 (one of the largest fines ever against a presidential campaign) by the FEC (Federal Election Commission) for campaign reporting violations?  Barack Obama.  Was Obama prosecuted by anyone?  Of course not.  This is a sham trial against Trump.  And the trial judge, one Juan Merchan, refused Trump's motion to delay the trial until after the election.  The allegations against Trump are based on events from 2016 and 2017.  But now - suddenly - there is an urgency to bring this matter to trial?  Bull!

This trial is a clear demonstration of election interference - by the party that repeatedly tells us they are the ones protecting democracy.  Bull!  So, while Trump has been ordered to be in the courtroom every day of the trial, Biden has been out on the campaign trail in the very important swing state of Pennsylvania.  Biden gets to campaign while Trump must deal with a bull! trial.  This doe not sound like the United States of America.  This sounds more like Soviet Russia, or Vladimir Putin's Russia.  Putin runs for office, while the opposition rots in prison, or worse.  

Let's talk some more about Judge Merchan.  I heard he had donated to Biden's 2020 campaign.  So I looked it up.  $15 to the Biden campaign.  $10 to something called the Progressive Turnout Project.  And another $10 to Stop Republicans.  The latter is a group that describes itself as a "grassroots funded effort dedicated to resisting the Republican Party and Donald Trump's radical right-wing legacy."  I guess we know where Judge Merchan stands politically.  

Here was one legal analyst:  "While the amounts here are minimal, it's surprising that a sitting judge would make political donations of any size to a partisan candidate or cause."  Fox news?  No, CNN senior legal analyst Elie Honig.

Here was a legal ethics professor from NYU (New York University):  "...New York, like most US jurisdictions, has adopted language from the American Bar Association Model Code of Judicial Conduct (prohibiting judges from) 'soliciting funds for, paying an assessment to, or making a contribution to a political organization or candidate.'"  I guess Judge Merchan did not concern himself with that rule.  But, giving him the benefit of the doubt, and assuming it was an honest mistake, the proper thing would have been to grant Trump's motion and recused himself.  In order to avoid any appearance of impropriety.  But, we know that didn't happen.

While Bragg was busy upgrading Trump's alleged misdemeanor paperwork violations into 34 felonies (what Bull!), he was busy downgrading "60% of felony cases to lesser charges last year - amid fury over criminals being repeatedly released to roam streets of the Big Apple."  (This from Fox, citing the Daily Mail.)

Mr. Bragg's predecessor had an opportunity to bring this case.  He declined.  The Feds had an opportunity to bring this case.  They declined.  But I guess Biden is feeling the heat, given his sinking poll numbers, and multiple attacks from the party's base.  How does it look with the jury pool coming from NYC?  In 2016, 79% of the city's vote went for Clinton.  In 2020, 76% of the vote went for Biden.  And we are supposed to believe that Trump can get a fair trial in NYC?  Bull!


Sunday, April 7, 2024

Six Months Ago Today

It was six months ago, on October 7, 2023, that Hamas terrorists made their way into Israel, and murdered over 1200 Israelis of all ages, engaging in rape and torture in the process.  Some 130 or so hostages remain in captivity in Gaza.  Many of us will never forget those terrible feelings we had of anguish and agony and anger, after learning of the worst attack on the Jewish people since the Holocaust.  Yet, a short six months later, much of the world seems to have forgotten who started this war, forgotten about the hostages and turned against Israel.  Unfortunately, that includes many Democrats, including the President and those in his administration.  

We saw Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, the highest ranking Jewish official in the US government, turn on Israel, when he called for the removal from office of Israel's democratically elected Prime Minister.  We heard from Vice President Kamala Harris, telling Israel that "any major military operation in Gaza (presumably referring to Rafah) would be a mistake."  (See the two part post, "Just Where Do The Democrats Stand On Israel?' - March 24, 2024.)  

Then, on March 27, we had the US (President Biden) refusing to veto a UN Security Council resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire between Israel and Gaza/Hamas.  That resolution, while also calling for the release of the hostages, did not tie the ceasefire demand to the hostages actual release.  Furthermore, Hamas and other terrorist groups in Gaza, have never engaged in a ceasefire, launching over 20,000 rockets and missiles into Israel since Israel left the Gaza strip in 2005.  Worse yet, Hamas has promised to repeat their murderous attack of October 7 over and over and over again.  So, yes, by all means, let's call for a meaningless ceasefire.

Following an Israeli air strike in Gaza that killed seven aid workers from the World Central Kitchen, Biden now calls directly for an immediate ceasefire.  And just to make sure that the Israeli government got the message, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that "If we don't see the changes we need to see...there will be a change in our policy."  

Piling on were 40 members of Congress, all Democrats, in a letter sent to Biden and Blinken.  "In light of the recent strike against aid workers and the ever-worsening humanitarian crisis, we believe it is unjustifiable to approve (additional) weapons transfers (to Israel)."  Let's forget for the moment that the US killed 10 civilians on a missile strike in Kabul, Afghanistan, in 2021.  Let's forget that seven of those killed were children.  And let's forget that, unlike what Israel has done now, the US was not quick to admit its mistake.  And, let's also forget that terrible things happen in war.  That innocent civilians get killed.  There are endless famous quotes concerning the horrors of war.  

Yet, as today's Democrats do, they fail to realize that appeasement of the enemy does not result in peace, but rather in more war.  The Obama and now Biden administrations, have a solid history of trying to appease the enemies of the United States and of the civilized world.  And make no mistake - Hamas is designated as a terrorist organization by the US, and is funded by the leading state sponsor of terrorism on the planet - Iran.  

In typical fashion, the Democrats are putting all the pressure on a democratic ally to do more, to concede more, to allow Hamas to survive, and to reward the Palestinians for the events of October 7 with a state of their own.  This is directly out of the Democrat playbook.  It is not the peace through strength advocated by wiser leaders from Washington to Reagan.  It is endless war through appeasement. 

Does it matter to Biden and these Democrats that some of the remaining hostages are Americans?  It would be hard to tell.  Does it matter to Biden and these Democrats that approximately 200,000 Israelis have been made refugees in their own country (in the south of Israel because of Hamas, and in the north of Israel because of Hezbollah joining in the fight with numerous rocket and missile attacks on Israel as well).  

Here's an idea.  If the US so disapproves of the way Israel is carrying out this war for its survival, why not announce the following.  Tell Hamas and the other terrorists, that Israel has agreed to stand down, because the United States intends to flood Gaza with hundreds of thousands of US troops, to remain indefinitely in Gaza, in order to ensure the release of the hostages, and the surrender of Hamas.  Unless, of course, Hamas sees that it is wiser to voluntarily surrender  But that will never happen.  Instead, the US will be building a pier along the Gaza coast, which will give Hamas free reign to smuggle in whatever additional weapons they can, which they will then use in the next attack on Israel.  Another foreign policy win for Biden!    

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Just Where Do The Democrats Stand On Israel, Part II

Senate Majority Leader Schumer apparently felt the need to emphasize the importance of Israel having elections, with an eye towards replacing Netanyahu.  In case the Israelis did not get the message, he added that the U.S. may "have no choice but to play a more active role in shaping Israeli policy by using our leverage to change the present course."  That's nice.  What did you have in mind, Chucky?  Cut off military aid in the middle of a war?  

Here was the Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris:  "Any major military operation in Gaza (presumably referring to Rafah) would be a huge mistake."  Why is that?  Don't we want Hamas to be defeated?  Why does the left seem to have a problem with winning wars?  Harris:  "I have studied the maps, there's nowhere for these folks to go, and we're looking at about a million and a half people in Rafah who are there because they were told to go there."

Oh, she studied the maps.  What a condescending tone and attitude.  If you studied the maps, Madam VP, you would see an area known as the Sinai peninsula, which is part of Egypt, bordering Gaza.  If Egypt let them all go through their border with Gaza, the Sinai is more than large enough to accommodate all those people.  But Egypt does not want them.  Jordan does not want them.  I know the rationale - maybe Israel will not them back into Gaza after the war.  Except, Egypt and Jordan never wanted them.

Harris:  "...we have been very clear far too many innocent Palestinians have been killed."  That is a sad fact of any war - innocent civilians being killed.  What I do not understand is why isn't the United States putting the pressure on Hamas and their supporters?  Hamas started this war.  Hamas could at least get a ceasefire by releasing the hostages.  Or, they could simply surrender.   

A confession.  My wife and I watched the Oscars.  I saw a Ukrainian film maker speak proudly in the defense of his people in their war with Russia.  I saw actor Ramy Youssef, a proud Muslim, joining others in wearing a pin that read "Artists 4 Ceasefire."  What about the Jews?  Steven Spielberg, perhaps the most well known Jew in attendance, also spoke.  Anything about the hostages?  Nope.  Did I see anyone wearing yellow ribbons for the hostages?  Nope.  

But I did see Jonathan Glazer speak, following his acceptance of an award for "The Zone of Interest."  Glazer:  "Right now, we stand here as men who refute their Jewishness and the Holocaust being hijacked by an occupation which has led to conflict for so many innocent people.  Whether the victims of October 7 in Israel or the ongoing attack on Gaza - all the victims of this dehumanization, how do we resist?"  Did he just refute his Jewishness? 

One left-wing site, Vox, said he was misunderstand.  Rather, Glazer was saying that Jewishness and the Holocaust should not be used justify the attack on Gaza,  Maybe.  It is a plausible interpretation of Glazer's remarks.  But even so, why wasn't the attack on Hamas in Gaza justified?  And why did Glazer suggest that the conflict resulted from the "occupation?'  No, the conflict results from 100 years of Jew hatred by Arabs in the historic land of Palestine.  (And for those not familiar with the history, Palestine was never a country.  It was also understand as the homeland of the Jewish people.)

On the good news front, over 450 other Jews in Hollywood, including actors and producers, wrote a rebuttal to Glazer.  "We refute our Jewishness being hijacked for the purpose of drawing a moral equivalence between a Nazi regime (Hamas) that sought to exterminate a race of people (Jews), and an Israeli nation that seeks to avert its own extermination."   

A final note.  Michelle Goldberg is an Op-Ed writer for the New York Times.  In her Sunday, March 17, 2024 column she said, among other things, this:  "I'm a secular Jew with no particular attachment to Israel."  Uh-huh.  What?  Actually, I get the secular Jew part.  There are quite a few secular Jews here and even in Israel.  I do not get the "no particular attachment to Israel."  It is sad that she has no attachment to her fellow Jews in Israel.  It is sad that has no attachment to the land of Israel.  I don't follow her enough to now how much she may have been affected by the events of October 7.  

But she knows enough to say in her column that "rituals for the two most important Jewish holidays, Passover and Yom Kippur, culminate with the words 'next year in Jerusalem.'"  To which I would add:  "Am Yisrael Chai!"  The People of Israel Live!"  I hope that Ms. Goldberg will come to understand that Jews everywhere are the people of Israel.